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  • UltraUpdate Week 6: The 10K Subscriber Secret & My AI Swiss Army Knife

UltraUpdate Week 6: The 10K Subscriber Secret & My AI Swiss Army Knife

Cracking the code on rapid growth and AI tool overload

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👋 Hey Ultrapeople, it’s Vaibhav.

In the last Ultraupdate, I told you about:

  • Working Fast & Slow

  • 22K AI apps scraped

  • Prompt engineering is not just meh

  • Plans Ahead

In Today’s Issue:

  • Quick Growth Levers

  • AI Recommendation app

  • Hiring on steroids

Quick Growth levers

-Reddit Collaboration

This week has been wild, I hardly worked and have been staying over at a friend’s place so just getting important work done at my ecom, but the results were great.

I met this person (online) who is an investor in AI companies, he was interested in an AI newsletter. I might collaborate with him if it makes sense for me.

Nonetheless, Its good to have people you speak to just to get more ideas and re-evaluate your own.

-BHW B2B strategy

Another person came up to me and he turned out to be an angel investor as well.

He gave his exact blueprint of how he creates B2B 10,000 subscribers on his newsletter in less than a month.

His strategy involves creating ICPs (Ideal Customer Profiles) big enough and sending them emails.

I liked his strategy, just had some reservations in how good the opening rate will be and how engaged these readers would be ?

Nonetheless, I plan to try it out and judge by the metrics I get.

Luckily I have been thinking about ideas on similar route and this is just another validation that I should double down on this.

AI Recommendation app

To back up a little bit, Ever since I started to build in the AI space.

I have found there are way more tools than we need.

Some of them are gems, with dirt cheap prices or even free aiming to amass users.

Some of them are just shit, trying to get signups or take one time payments.

I see only way to gauge it is through references, Youtube reviewers or testing yourself.

This is a problem for me.

I cannot test hundreds of products to find the gem. I can hire someone to do this, but it needs a lot of training to make him think in a way I would for my use case.

I embarked on this journey to find something to keep me updated with the best tools, I found many repositories, but I couldn’t find a shortcut. Then I thought I would scratch my own itch and also create a lead magnet for my newsletter through this.

After scraping the whole internet, I am building an app that could just do this.

I made the first basic version of it. I plan to improve it in future.

For now, I plan to mainly devote time to marketing rather than adding more features for now.

I got excited when I saw v0 and thought to try it.

I created the UI and trust me, its not straight-forward as it seems to integrate the backend python app. I had to deal with so many errors, but it was still 100 times faster than manually doing it.

I will just figure out how to guard the app with email as I found it annoying for a person who has already signed up for the newsletter to input again in next visit.

Probably I will just have a Google auth or not have a guard at all. If no guard I will have the signup as the suggestion at the end of the answer.

Next challenge is to integrate a database where anyone can browse through all the apps and also review them.

I’m a total newb at this; however, I will figure it out in the next week.

Hiring on steroids

Reddit. I love it.

I have done one or two accidental hiring in the past with reddit. This time, I posted with the intent to hire. Guess what? I was bombarded by people.

I posted I’m hiring for my ecom and AI project.

I got tons of responses from devs, data entry specialists, and video editors. I am hopeful I will find at least one good person from this.

The two people I have hired from reddit in my life have been all stars. Hence, I have super high hopes and expectations, I feel I will find an exceptional person here. Fingers crossed.

📚 New Blog Posts:

📊 This Week in Numbers



Blogs Posted


Ultrapreneurs Subscribers

34 Subscribers (0)

Social Media Growth:

7+ reels and shorts posted

0 Long Form

📚 What I'm Consuming:

🎯 Next Week's Focus:

-Website and Newsletter Format planning and Launch

-Emailing HU + NEW ICP Database

-Valuable Content Repository for Emails

🤯 Brainfart

If startups were recipes, most would be 'pour VC money into a blender, add a pinch of AI, sprinkle with blockchain, and hope it tastes like disruption.

Thanks for joining me on this Ultrapreneur journey! Let's build something extraordinary, exposing vulnerabilities and the obstacles we face.

To your unconventional success,


P.S. Got ideas to make this community even more badass? Hit reply. I would really love to talk.W


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