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  • UltraUpdate Week 5: Cold Email Experiments, AI Bots, and Future Plans

UltraUpdate Week 5: Cold Email Experiments, AI Bots, and Future Plans

From slow progress to bold AI-powered moves

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👋 Hey Ultrapeople, it’s Vaibhav.

In the last UltraUpdate, I told you about:

  • Working Fast & Slow

  • 22K AI apps scraped

  • Prompt engineering is not just meh

  • Plans Ahead

In Today’s Issue:

  • 📧 Cold Emailing

  • 🐢 Slowest week

  • 🤖 Engagement bots

  • Future Plans

📧 Cold Emailing

This week I started with an experiment to cold email buyers of a digital course venture I partnered with in the past.

I plan to use this experiment to maybe funnel these people to Ultrapreneurs once I have provided them enough value.

I had 3k+ data of buyers and abandoned cart, but after cleaning and keeping only good emails and those who purchased the database reduced to 1.4k. I use brevo.com to email to them (with 300emails a day). I drafted an value giving email with no promotions, no links and lead magnet.

The results were okayish, I sent 900emails with 6.5% open rate.

My plan is two achieve two things: experiment with this as a playground to understand the needs of the audience, and crafting more content like this to funnel them to my newsletter.

As I typed this I sent 300 more emails (making total of 1200 emails sent) with the following delivery rate and other stats.

🐢 Slowest week

This week has been full of distractions for me. I spent some time on ecommerce and also I had lot of travelling to do, so didn’t get a lot done.

This actually resulted in one good thing.

I created a sense of urgency for myself to pace up now. I have the website to ship along with adding the AI features and preparing (cleaning and sorting) the database of apps.

I also had a talk at my Alma mater (Delhi Technical Campus) which held a tech event (ACE’24). Luckily, it was about my favourite topic: Crypto and AI. As it’s done I concentrate more on the work, even though I still have travels and family things upcoming.

I might release my talk since it was good. If you are curious to read here’s my actual presentation.

🤖 Engagement Bots

The engagement bots algorithm had been ready; I had given time to the developer to understand and build it.

However as my go-to person to build bots just took up a new job, he has been busy.

I will try to hire another freelancer now. If this doesn’t work out by next week, I’ll push my self to complete both the website and the bot, myself. Thanks to AI, I am able to make such bold statements; otherwise I would have had to make an ass of myself to achieve such a feat.

Plans Ahead

As now I have no excuses left, I will pace up the website launch and the videos along with it. I also have to start the tiktok account which I arranged recently.

As the branding curse is ended, I can now buy the domain and start with the logo and the episodes prep (writing the scripts, making characters and SFX).

So upcoming week will be all website and marketing finally.

📚 New Blog Posts:


📊 This Week in Numbers



Blogs Posted


Ultrapreneurs Subscribers

34 Subscribers (0)

Social Media Growth:

7+ reels and shorts posted

 Youtube video where I ask Naval Ravikant about his take on Web3’s chatgpt moment.

📚 What I'm Consuming:

  • What I’m Reading: I haven’t read any book this week :(

  • Course I’m learning from: n/a

  • Podcast I loved: n/a

  • Post I loved: n/a

🎯 Next Week's Focus:

  • Launch website (with Database and Newsletter)

  • Finalise animation

  • Schedule podcasts

  • Engagements bots

🤯 Brainfart

NFTs are the digital equivalent of selling bottled air. Somehow, people are still buying it.

Thanks for joining me on this Ultrapreneur journey! Let's build something extraordinary, exposing vulnerabilities and the obstacles we face.

To your unconventional success,


P.S. Got ideas to make this community even more badass? Hit reply. I would really love to talk.


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