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  • How I Scraped the Entire Web to Uncover the Ultimate AI Newsletter Formula

How I Scraped the Entire Web to Uncover the Ultimate AI Newsletter Formula

Insights from months of intensive data scraping

Newsletters were never on my radar.

For years, I chased flashy business ideas - SaaS apps, web3 dapps, even an AI marketing agency. But newsletters? They seemed boring, a poor man's job.

Then everything changed.

Perry's AI Summit opened my eyes to the economic powerhouse of newsletters. These weren't just million-dollar acquisitions; they were cash flow machines with unlimited potential and minimal overhead.

Build in a liquid industry while earning money, learning, and having fun? It sounded too good to be true.

But as I dug deeper, I discovered a world of opportunity I'd been blind to. From Sam Parr's success story to niche newsletters in agriculture raking in serious profits, the potential was undeniable.

In this post, I'll take you behind the scenes of my journey into the newsletter world. You'll learn:

  • Why newsletters are more lucrative than you might think

  • How I researched and analyzed the market

  • The key trends and insights that shaped my strategy

Whether you're a aspiring writer or a seasoned entrepreneur, this inside look at the newsletter industry might just change your perspective - like it did mine.

Let's dive in.

The Newsletter Epiphany: From Skeptic to Believer

I used to think newsletters were boring.

They seemed old and useless. But then, everything changed.

It all started with Perry's AI Summit. He talked about newsletters in a way I'd never heard before. These weren't just small projects. They were big businesses making millions. Low costs, high income, endless growth - it was perfect for any business person.

I got curious. So I started looking into successful newsletter writers.

Sam Parr's story amazed me. Shan Puri's Milkroad showed me new ideas. Even farmers were making multimillions with newsletters.

I was already reading many newsletters without realising it.

Daily-Degen, Linn's Leverage, Tim Ferris's Five Bullet Fridays, Shan Puri’s 5 Tweets Tuesday and Ben’s Bites - I loved reading these. They were a big part of my daily routine.

Then I signed up for my friend Deepak's Bitcoin course. His emails were different.

I was hooked.

For the first time, I found myself reading every single email. Old ones, new ones - I didn't want to miss any.

Deepak's course showed me how powerful good newsletters can be.

This, plus Martin's Money Mojo, gave me an idea. I wanted to start building in public.

Then my friend Raj showed me something cool.

He told me about Styl App. The owner, Dhruv, grew his app by being real and building in public. It was just what I needed to see.

I wasn't doubtful anymore. I believed in newsletters and Building in public. I was ready to jump in and start my own.

Deep Dive: Scraping, Analyzing, and Decoding the Newsletter Market

I couldn't just dip my toes in. I had to go all in.

My curiosity turned into obsession. I wanted to know everything about the newsletter market.

So, I did what any over-eager entrepreneur would do: I complicated things.

I hired a research intern. Together, we embarked on a data-scraping adventure.

We combed through every newsletter for sale on platforms like duuce.com and acquire.com. We left no stone unturned.

The excitement grew with each discovery. Open rates, click-through rates, subscriber-to-price ratios - we analyzed it all.

But I didn't stop there. My thirst for knowledge was unquenchable.

I dove into newsletter advertising platforms too. I wanted to understand how the money flowed, how advertisers chose where to spend.

Every statistic, every trend, every outlier - they all told a story. And I was determined to decode it.

Hours turned into days. Days into weeks. But I couldn't stop. The more I learned, the more I realized how much potential lay hidden in this world of newsletters.

It was exhausting. It was exhilarating. It was exactly what I needed to do.

This wasn't just research. It was the foundation of my future in the newsletter business.

Let's dive into what we found. It's pretty exciting stuff.

First, we looked at which types of newsletters were selling the most.

Tech, Business, and AI topped the list.

No big surprise there, right? These topics are hot right now.

But here's where it gets interesting. We dug deeper into the stats for these top categories.

Look at those numbers! The engagement rates are through the roof. People aren't just subscribing – they're actually reading and clicking.

Now, you might be wondering how these newsletters are growing. Well, we figured that out too.

Here are the most common traffic sources we found:

  1. Organic

  2. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)

  3. Ads (especially Facebook Ads)

  4. Email

  5. SEO

  6. Word of mouth

  7. Referrals

  8. Direct partnerships

Organic growth is king. But don't underestimate the power of social media and smart ad spending.

Now, let's look at the money side of things. This chart tells us a lot.

Wow, look at those numbers! Some categories are real money-makers.

Pets newsletters are bringing in the most cash. They're making around $40,000 on average! But they're also spending a lot - about $30,000. Still, that's a nice profit.

Health newsletters are doing well too. They're making good money and keeping more of it.

Creators and Local newsletters are also strong performers. They're bringing in decent revenue and keeping costs low.

We also looked at how much these newsletters were selling for. Check this out:

See that? Niche newsletters are commanding higher prices. Some are selling for 7-8 times their subscriber count, while most hover around 1-3 times.

It just goes to show – sometimes, smaller can be better.

All these numbers told a clear story. Newsletters aren't just alive and well. They're thriving.

And that's exactly the kind of opportunity I was looking for.

My Big Plans for AI Newsletter

I used to think newsletters were boring. Now I'm hooked.

Here's what I learned:
• Small topics can make big money
• Getting people to read and click is key
• Sharing your work helps build a fan base
• There's still room for new ideas

My research showed me something cool: AI newsletters have a lot of room to grow.

I've been thinking hard about how to make my AI newsletter different. It won't be easy, but I think it'll be worth it. I want to offer something so good that people will happily pay more for it.

I've also been working on a great name and look for my newsletter. I'm really excited about it!

Want to know what makes my AI newsletter special? I'll tell you all about it in my next post. I think it'll change how people see AI newsletters.

Stay tuned! I can't wait to share more with you.


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